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sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
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“Eh. The lad needs t'keep busy,” Rosalind demurred. “If ah know 'im, an' trust me ah do, 'e needs to.” It occurred to Rosalind just then that she and Riola were going to be the primary caregivers to the mourning felis. He'd been her best friend and he needed her now, but he was doing exactly what he needed—to be kept busy. The other two felis were doing an excellent job at just that, at least, until they got to the ship. Then they'd probably be getting settled in their new rooms, once again leaving Fikri to his own devices. There was no telling what he'd do when alone. As they were making their retreat, Rosalind couldn't help but feel a little guilty leaving Ashi there to struggle alone. But then, the princess didn't really have much bearing on her life. She was one of the drifters, one of many customers. What happened after transport was none of her business.

“And so can I,” Magali said, handing the glass back to him without her ever having sipped from it. She'd drank plenty, and there would be more on the ship. There would be food too, and...dare she dream it?...freedom. Sweet, sweet freedom. Unless that was just a part of some drug induced fantasy, she could have sworn she heard their new felis friend, and Nokra too, say that they were now free. She felt like she was riding in a cloud. To what Nokra was saying, she could do little but look down and nod. It was true that everyone had let her down in the end. Everyone but Nokra. But, she couldn't help but wonder when the exception would come along.

Fikri glared daggers at Nokra, “No. I'm not the fighting type, but not because I'm weak. It's because I'm smart enough to get out when I see I need to get out. I'm going with them, you can come or you can stay. I don't give a shit anymore.” Fikri rolled his eyes and turned to follow Rosalind and Riola.

Magali's ears drooped and she looked at Nokra imploringly, “I think we should go with them...”

Mendez furrowed his brow, disappointed that she wouldn't be joining them on the ship, but hesitantly, he smiled, “Alright, amiga. I'll see you when uh.. they're done. Let me know what happens to the princess, si? I can't help but feel a bit bad for her.” He cringed hearing Shaldag's voice calling out for the princess. “I'll uh... see you on the ship,” he muttered scooching over to the two felis. “C'mon then, we'll figure out living situations when we get there.”

With that, the group made their way to Rosalind's brand spanking new ship.

Ashi cringed and half stumbled out to the center. She could feel all the eyes of the club on her and the music faded completely in the background. This was the main event, after all. The crowd had cleared for the beat in and with Shaldag's threat, Ashi shrunk back, once again confused as to the man's feelings for her. Girlfriend? So we are official then? Her eyes widened and she grinned with the realization before she remembered she was about to get beat in, and with Shaldag's anger, she wasn't sure she'd make it out alive. Someone you love? Who else does he love besides Hyun? Toka? But she couldn't really be stabbed, could she? Wait a minute...last lover?

Her mind was doing a bang up job of distracting her, the din of the crowd pulling her back. She was trembling, a visible cue indicitative of her preemptive fear. Despite all this, she mustered a smile. She was getting beat in, yes, but she was getting beat in as Hyun's girlfriend. She had a girlfriend! She almost couldn't believe it.
Old Posted 09-11-2017, 04:53 AM Reply With Quote