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Suzerain of Sheol Suzerain of Sheol is offline
Desolation Denizen
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The trip back to the harbor was filled much more with salutations to the citizens of Myrshal, short conversations and pleasant smiles that left Astra feeling drained by the time she made it back to their ship, but the effort would be worth it, hopefully. She needed these people to accept her.

The heels of her boots knocking on the gangplank as she crossed to the deck, Astra nearly stumbled into the water when a tremendous splash broke from the bay just to her left.

What on earth...?

Seconds later, the commandress was showered in tepid water as a small, flitting body erupted from the bay, darting back aboard with all the swiftness of a buzzing fly.

Hopping down onto the deck and shaking droplets from her hair, Astra looked in what must have been abject horror at the scene before her. Lynsdi was lazing on a crate tapping out a jaunty tune on her tambourine as Astra's officers and half the ship's crew hooted and raised mugs of what could only be strong spirits judging by their total non-reaction to her arrival. Mia was draped lasciviously in the lap of the first mate, red-faced with a bottle of wine in one hand, while Cecily, Maricia, and some four of the sailors were gathered in a half-circle facing the strange creature who'd soaked Astra.

CECILY: Summon Monster IV. -7 Spell Points.

Finally noticing her, Cecily called out with a massive grin. "Oh, hey! You're just in time, we've got one more spot for Toss the Mephit, hurry up Astra!" She was bouncing and spinning in place, generally making a fool of herself, all the more saddening for the fact that Astra was almost certain the girl didn't drink.

Setting aside her initial reaction to discipline the lot of them (and likely prompt a mutiny, given how much they were enjoying themselves), Astra let it go with a tired sigh. It had been a long voyage, they deserved a bit of rest before the real work began, but they could have at least waited until tonight.

"Cecily, go find Koyani and everyone else who isn't drunk. We have to move all our gear to the keep." She walked past the spectacle shaking her head at the mephit, and made her way below decks.

She had a tiny, private room away from the rest of the company and crew, and all but rushed it, locking the door behind her. Stress and pain seemed to well out of her all at once, the ache of her scar mirroring the exhaustion in her head.

Right... I was supposed to eat something...

She could spare half an hour, maybe, collect herself and hopefully make it to dinner somewhat intact.
Old Posted 07-25-2018, 05:02 PM Reply With Quote