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Default Djentalmen's Club   #1  
Okay so I'm sure some people are familiar with this style of music, but you know not everyone is. The style is called Djent, and if you don't know about it I'm going to give you some knowledge. :)

It is a type of music that would be located somewhere in the heavy metal, and progressive metal styles. The style of sound was originally used in a band called Meshuggah, but it did not really become a well known style until the band Periphery came onto the scene. Now if you're wondering why it is called djent I'll be happy to explain that too. Whenever the guitar is strummed for this style you may notice the particular unique sound it makes. If you listen carefully each strum sounds like djent djent djent if you say it out loud.

Djent is used to describe a certain kind of guitar tone characterized by medium-high gain, a quick-release noise gate to emphasize staccato playing, a cut of most bass below 200Hz for a tight low end, a slight boost around 800hz for clarity, and a noticeable boost around 1.6Khz to emphasize pick attack. When a two-octave power chord is palm-muted with this tone, a "djent" sound is created rather than the typical chunkier sound. Now to be honest I don't know much about the amplification to make the particular type of sound, so I took the liberty of finding it for you because maybe you would like to play the style.

Alright now that all of the information has been spit out into your face we can look at some different bands that fall into this subgenre of music, and name a few songs it would be good to start with.
Bands and A song by them
Animals as Leader -Song of Solomon
Periphery - Jetpacks was yes!
Gru - Aurora
Chimp Spanner - Under one sky
Tesseract - Lament

This should be enough for you to get the taste of the wide variety that Djent consists of. You will notice each band has similarities to the others, but they all have a distinct style all of their own. In this particular subgenre you will find many different sounds to grace your ears with, and get entranced by.

You never know if you will like it until you give it a chance. An over used line, but one that is very true. Have a listen to some of the style, and then lets happily discuss your thoughts on it. :)
Last edited by Law; 06-01-2012 at 02:13 PM.
Old Posted 06-01-2012, 02:10 PM Reply With Quote