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Default   #734   Fey Fey is offline
I'm now mildly deaf in my left ear, she sorta screamed a lot louder than I expected.
Oh, her birthday was yesterday :) and it was a huuuuuuge success. And her dad could NOT wrap his head around the idea that I commissioned someone to make something. Let alone to make two somethings like ART. I had to spend like an hour explaining it. Oh fathers.

But she loves the pictures, had to explain to some of her other friends who Grave was,t hen had to put in the anime to prove she wasn't crazy. Then we had looooooooots of food. Lots. And culled through the x-men cards she got as well to find one that was suitable to accompany Gambit that evening. Sadly, no Remy, but there was a Rogue and we felt that suitable.
I've gone to look for myself, if I should return before I get back keep me here.
|What is your Quest?|
Nikko was here out of love for Fey. <3

beautiful art by littl3chocobo
Old Posted 12-31-2011, 02:51 PM Reply With Quote