Thread: Lock Please
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Default   #24   Broken Muse Broken Muse is offline
Theresa took a step backwars so she could view both people at once. "I'll answer your question," She frostily informed the newly appeared male, "As soon as you tell me who you are yourself and as for your second inquiry, I have no idea myself." Her tone become less hostile as she talked and her eyes seemed to be a bit lighter as though a trick of the light. Theresa hated admitting that but she felt the other would be a bit more likely to associate with her if he felt they where in the same boat. Also, the more allies she had the easier it would be to escape if things suddenly went south.
I wear white to remember-
And to be reminded
It isn't yet my time
Even though you're gone
I can't give up
Not yet

My love, you shall always have a place in my heart. May you rest in peace.
Old Posted 12-05-2011, 10:04 PM