Thread: Bunraku
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Demonskid Demonskid is offline
Pocket Demon Ninja
Default Bunraku   #1  
Ok.. I have been waiting for this movie for a while and since I been ill lately and very busy I have had time to check on the movie's release date.

I checked it tonight and found out it was released not long ago! so I downloaded it. (Major GACKT fan so of course I want to watch it) in a some what similar way it was like Sin City but better. WAY better (GACKT is the reason D<). Funny, full of action, funny and had eye candy.

Have you heard of or seen the movie?
Do you plan on watching it?
What was your favorite Part?
Who were your most favorite characters?

I know one thing.. I am asking for this DVD for Chirstmas OxO I loved the movie.. but not many like the style it was made so I don't expect many to say it was good. Even if it weren't I'd still get it.. Why? WHY!? It has GACKT in it! >o Thats why.. but I enjoyed the movie so its all good.. better.. AWESOME..

Talk to me .. <3

Edit: 12:20 in the afternoon.. I went out and bought the DVD.. =w= got me some pocky and Ramune as well <3

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Last edited by Demonskid; 11-25-2011 at 01:49 PM.
Old Posted 11-25-2011, 01:02 AM Reply With Quote