Dinos go RAWR!!!
Allow Me To Introduce Myself!
My name is Kali and I've recently found this amazing place!
I'm currently a senior history major at college and am needing a place to unwind and take care of my stress.
I'm hoping this quest will help with that goal.
PS. I have a closet nows!!!
Non-Staff that have signed my siggy go here!!!
~Your siggi belongs to me~ Kaguya
Nikko loves Kali~~~<3 X3
*Places natsu fox print on Kali's siggy*
KaTaMe WaS hErE. >:o) HoNk.
Last edited by Kali_Namir; 11-05-2012 at 08:08 PM.
Posted 11-08-2011, 12:50 AM