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Default   #48   Auspicious Happenings Auspicious Happenings is offline
Barrel of Monkeys
Once she reached her camp, she sat with little grace next to the fire. Picking up the rabbit from earlier, she took a savage bite.
"I really wish he had drowned" she muttered to herself.
" Fifteen years old... Who is he kidding?!" she glowered.
Staring down at a puddle, she puffed out her chest and tried to admire her figure. Her lack of breasts was a sore spot for her, and she was irritated of the possibility that he might have figured that out.
As rough and gritty as she could be, she was still a woman, and she had womanly pride.
Tonight that pride was very injured.
The rabbit had lost its appeal and she set it aside for later, curling into a small ball on the floor, she closed her eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.
"I bet he hasn't seen a pair of breasts since his Mother weened him" she chuckled darkly.
(I love character quirks)
Questing: Whisper Wings. Please sell me some :(
Old Posted 10-29-2011, 11:44 PM Reply With Quote