Thread: Fading Realms
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Default   #34   Kalei Kalei is offline
One Fish
Aaron sat around his buddies in the mess hall after morning drill exercises. Through bites of eggs and bacon they were discussing what they were going to do with their free afternoon hours. Aaron voted to see a movie, but most of his friends seemed to be set on hitting the local mall and scouting for girls. A sound blared on the speakers, signaling the end of breakfast. Aaron looed at his food forlornly for a moment, then quickly disposed of it as he walked to morning classes

Zeph let out a sigh of boredom. He was watching his Aunts stall in the merchant's square, since he wasn't working today,but nobody seemed to be interested in beaded jewelry at the moment. He perked up when he saw a girl running, with a man tailing her. It wasn't that unusual, he had seen her before, but it was still the most interesting thing that happened all day. He then turned his attentions back keeping an eye out for potential customers.
Known as Kajiko almost everywhere else.
Last edited by Kalei; 08-18-2012 at 08:16 PM.
Old Posted 09-18-2011, 10:37 PM Reply With Quote