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Evil Tink Evil Tink is offline
Woo, Graduated High School
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Solomon hissed slightly back at the dog as she barked at him. He was thankful that he was still blocking himself from Randy as he came outside to check on the dog. He rolled his eyes with a scoff, Dog almost blew my cover... He let out a sigh, jumping down from the roof. Halfway in his fall, he disappeared, reappearing inside the house where he sensed Randy spending his time tonight. He looked over to the screen while Randy was busy trying to settle his dog. He'd have to be quick, else the dog would smell him and start after him in here. He cursed softly as he saw the two pictures being compared in a facial recognition program.

Running his hand through his hair with frustration, he did a quick tight circle as he paced the room. He obviously couldn't do anything to the computer right now; Randy would notice. He would have to stick around until the man fell asleep and work on his memories. He's have to erase this moment of time and hack into the police network and remove his identity from the system..again. He had done this many times since the police set up the network. This also meant he'd have to keep hidden for awhile..maybe bum at the Vindore Manore with Kitra, see if she needed help and alert her to the current case Randy was working on. He'd also have to make sure that all the vampires around Connecticut would be extra cautious; including himself.

He bent over the laptop, quickly and quietly navigating the keys and touchpad to get into the police mainframe. He found anything related to himself, including the current paper file that Randy had, and deleted them. While those removed, he took the hard copies and teleported them to his apartment; which he'd visit after he took care of Randy.
Old Posted 08-20-2011, 05:08 PM Reply With Quote