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Default   #14   Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
Where I used to live (small conservative town) it's recognized that homosexuality is no accepted well and so the GLBT community is "underground" for the most part. Ironically, this has led to the mistaken belief that there aren't that many homosexuals or transexuals around. From what I hear, the community is actually fairly large, moreso than the more conservative individuals would care to admit.

There does seem to be something of a "don't talk about it" thing going on since I know a couple people who are openly gay but it seems to be ignored as something of a professional or familial courtesy. It's sad though. I used to work at a coffee shop and a new employee arrived one day, very openly homosexual. I had one, maybe two shifts with him before I heard news that he was fired due to being overly obnoxious. While I can believe that to some degree,(he was very loud and tactile but not beyond tolerance I thought) most seemed pretty sure it was because he was gay, but of course, it wasn't talked about.

Well now that I feel like a downer here, I will say that I very much support respect and such for all sexualities, and find it annoying more than anything else that other people seem to think it's their business who people choose to have relationships with >.<

The whole world isn't like that though, which is good to remember on down days. :)
Old Posted 08-07-2011, 05:42 AM Reply With Quote