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Angel Angel is offline
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Dear ____,

Honestly I wasn't prepared when you told me that you were secretly going out with a girl. When you told me you had something to tell me, I didn't really even think about what it was, I had thought it was just news about another friend. I guess I was kind of suspicious that you didn't want to tell me over the phone but I just dropped the thought and decided to go to the show to find out what you wanted to tell me. When you finally told me, I was in shock, I really did not expect you to be going out with a girl and it felt kinda awkward that you decided to tell me when we were in line to go to the show. I had always thought that you liked guys and I was really shocked when you told me. But finding out that you were going out with her wasn't the biggest shock, what shocked me the most was that even though you two have been secretly going out for a month, you didn't tell me till now. I can understand that you didn't want a lot of people to know, but we've been friends for about four years now. I would have thought that I would be one of the friends you would have told early on. I couldn't even say anything to you after you told me, and even though I told you I was okay with it, it still felt kind of awkward. You're the only one, from all the friends I've had, that told me they were going out with a girl so I didn't know how to react at first. Honestly at first I had thought that the girl was a guy, she had short hair and she looked like a guy. And throughout the show I was trying to see if I had been mistaken but I was wrong, she was definitely a girl. After realizing that she really was a girl, I just started to feel uncomfortable with the whole thing but after going back home, and having some time to think, I still meant what I said to you, that I'm okay with you going out with a girl. It just might take some time to get used to but I still support you no matter what since you are one of my closest friends here. I do worry about how your mom is going to react but remember you can always count on me.

Your Friend
Old Posted 09-08-2010, 12:49 AM