Thread: confession time
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Default   #24   Suzerain of Sheol Suzerain of Sheol is offline
Desolation Denizen
I think if you took a survey, you'd find that most people will say that they find the vast majority of the species to be in some way inferior, usually "so stupid" is the descriptor used.

It's an interesting psychological phenomenon. Our brains are predisposed to putting themselves on a pedestal and they're extremely good at convincing themselves that it's true. We're rationalizing creatures, at our heart.

As Scott Bakker puts it, "everyone is completely convinced they've won the Magical Belief Lottery -- that their idiosyncratic world-view just happens to be the Truth and the billions of others are all wrong." We all do this; we can't help it. It's human nature. I'm sure there's an evolutionary advantage to this sort of thinking.

I just find it interesting when I end up having a thought like what's been posted above (and I certainly have them often enough). I usually stop and think about how that's just my helplessly-biased perception of the situation. Then I resume hating everyone. :p

And, so as not to be completely off-topic, I will completely confess to the above. I'm a total misanthrope and barely ever leave my house to avoid having to deal with people. :p
Cold silence has a tendency
to atrophy any sense of compassion
between supposed lovers.
Between supposed brothers.
Old Posted 06-26-2011, 06:19 PM Reply With Quote