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Default   #26   Suzerain of Sheol Suzerain of Sheol is offline
Desolation Denizen
Oh, you got it working? Awesome!

Yeah, I catch more text errors every time I play through. It's tough to get them in the editor since it lacks spellcheck and the font is pretty small. Another thing is that the text in the editor is a different size from the text I use in the game (the game text is smaller) meaning that it's hard to judge where it hits the end of the text-box. I know there are probably a few hanging letters that I missed, since for some reason when I go to shift words a line down, it likes to set the cursor after the first letter of a word. I caught a lot of mistakes like that, but there are bound to be more.

And yes, I totally agree on the town. That was actually the first map I made for the game and I had no idea what I was doing. Scaling down is exactly what it needs.

On the point about the fiends, yeah, they are kind of tough from what I remember. (I've never actually fought all of them, kind of shocked you did. :p) I remember the drain attack being an issue I meant to fix. I must have forgotten about it.

The boss, Liukaeryos, can be tough because he's a bit erratic. If you get lucky, he won't use his worst attacks and he's a bit of a pushover; if not, he can wreck you, especially the paralysis spell he has.

The thing about adding saves before boss fights is that, for whatever reason, it screws up the event after you load it back up... like, any events that have moved reset back to where they were. I could probably put one right at the start of his event, and his is pretty short. Later bosses have big scenes before the battle ensures, which might not help that much, then.

Out of curiosity... did you die against his first form, or his second? :p

Oh, and I'm not sure what the trouble was with the trial fight against Elder Horyuu. I just tested it, he did ~190ish to both of them, and Orec has nearly 200 hp more than Tristan. Maybe he used Thunder Slash twice in a row? That hits a fair bit harder than his normal attack. You don't actually have to win that fight, though, the story continues either way.

I really appreciate you playing, by the way. :)

Oh, and if you let me know which form of Liukaeryos is giving you trouble, I can give you some tips, lay out his pattern if I have to. The tough thing about him is that you have no options at this point for equipment and he's strong vs. slashing weapons. He's weak to fire, if you get Tristan high enough to use his fire spell, though... without a magic-boosting weapon, Wildfire isn't that spectacular either. Amilia joins for the second fight, which at least gives you a dedicated healer. You might be better off in the first one having Tristan just heal every turn with Hearten and let Orec and Horyuu whittle away at his health. Good luck, though.

Edit: Okay... just tried fighting him myself. That's uh... a problem. I can't beat him. I think what happened was that I added the Freeze quality to his ice breath after fighting him in my last playtest, and that just destroys any attempt to survive his attacks. Would you happen to know what level your characters were after fighting all the fiends? I tested him with the party at level 6, but if there's enough XP to be had to get to level 7 it might make it a bit easier. I'm not sure there is though.

I kind of feel like a moron, now.

Edit 2: Well, I managed to just barely scrape out a victory at level 7, but he only used his freezing breath once. This is really bad. I'm going to have to fix this and upload the game again. *punches self in the face*
Cold silence has a tendency
to atrophy any sense of compassion
between supposed lovers.
Between supposed brothers.
Old Posted 06-14-2011, 01:23 PM Reply With Quote