Thread: Card Games
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Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
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I used to play tons of card games but not as much anymore with all the fancy board games and trading cards. I used to play Rummy but I've all but forgotten now. I learned the basics of Bridge, Hearts, Canasta (aka "Nasty") and various incarnatioms of Crazy Eights, among others.

My favourite card game would be Citadels, which is very close to a bard game but uses only cards and tokens. My favourite specialty card game would be Skip-Bo. Had lots of fun with that. With that I've played Uno, Pit, Sequence, and seen the odd game of Flux. Pit is really fast and involves a lot of yelling. Fun for a speedy active game.

For trading cards games, I bought a lot (notably Magic, YuGiOh, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings) but only played Magic and YGO. I quit YGO because not only were the rares all really expensive, leading to the "he with the most money has the best deck" style, but power creep was so bad that my cards now are obselete. Magic has done really well avoiding power creep, with new sets moving up and down in terms of strength so that older cards are still playable after a decade and I stull use many of the cards I picked up in 94 with the newer ones I bought a few years back. Finding people that play these games has always been something of an issue though, hence why I only activly played two.
Old Posted 05-31-2011, 08:51 PM Reply With Quote