Thread: Table-Top RPGs!
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Default   #108   Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
My original character is a human ranger. She tends to be the back-up everything. She's the one who heals the cleric when he goes down (our cleric is not the hide-in-the-back-ranks-and-heal-people type) and does the sneaky ambush stuff when the rogue is low on hit points.

My other character include a halfling cleric that I keep trying to get killed, a half-elf fire obsessed cleric, and an elf bard with the wisdom of a turnip. My online characters are/were a human cleric (extrmemely tough cleric), happy gnome druid, half-elf bard that gambles, cheats, lies, and changes his life story every 15 minutes or so. I like him. :D. Oh, forgot, in table top there was also the gold-elf dumb blonde barbarian and the tauren fire shaman, and online the equivalent of "Fabio the Barbarian." Blue eyes, blonde hair, shiny teeth that go *ping,* etc.
Old Posted 05-28-2011, 12:13 AM Reply With Quote