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CupcakeDolly CupcakeDolly is offline
Wayward Victorian Doll
Default Bruises and Not Enough Lovin'   #1  
Yeah... that pretty much sums up my love life at the moment. Before anyone starts freaking out about the title, no, I'm not being abused. Not on purpose anyway.

The problem - which I've been having to deal with for a long time now - is with my boyfriend's playfulness. He likes to mess around, tickle, wrestle, pick me up, etc. However, he plays with me like he would with another guy, and he doesn't seem to realize that I am, in fact, a very, very weak girl who bruises very, very easily. The bruises don't show up on my skin, or else I might have some proof to give to him. When I tell him that he's hurting me, he gives me attitude that clearly says "that's bullshit," and continues to do it. I've had to sit down and talk with him about it, and he seemed to understand at the time, but every time he eventually forgets and it happens all over again. It's getting frustrating and I'm almost afraid to let him touch me anymore.

And speaking of touching me... he never does. Not in any good way, other than playing around. I'm not sure what happened, but it seems like he's lost all interest in sexing or even hugging and cuddling. When I've asked him about it he says that there's nothing wrong, but that still doesn't explain why we've been practically celibate for over two weeks, and it makes me think that I'm doing something wrong. All he really does is treat me like I'm one of the guys. Doesn't sit well with me, because while I do like goofing around at times, at heart I just want to be treated like a girl and, more importantly, like a lover.

Meh... So I suddenly felt the need to vent all of this because just now I had to shout at him to stop punching me, and he's acting like a kicked puppy. I feel bad, but I'm not going to apologize because I know that if I do he'll take it as a green light to start it up again. And also I'm sore all over, and I'm pretty sure I know why, even if there aren't any bruises to prove it...
Last edited by CupcakeDolly; 05-03-2011 at 12:12 AM.
Old Posted 05-03-2011, 12:09 AM Reply With Quote