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Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
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EDIT: "Batman" with Jack is still my favourite of the franchise. :)

There's a new Conan movie coming out? Really? I hope to heck it's good! I love the first movie but the second was a franchise killer. Apparently they actually intended to make many but it didn't happen. Reminds me of the monstrocity that was the DnD movie.

I'm not a comic person at all. The only ones I've read were for school; an issue of "Spider Man" for a sociology project and Watchmen for literature and popular culture. I was happy to see Watchmen come out, even if I think the director played it safe as far as the ending and some of the characters went. Transformers I thought was great fun, even though I haven't seen the series beyond the recent Beast Wars spinoff and the movie from the 80's.

As far as original goes, I don't know the typical stories that everything comes off of (there's supposed to be seven, I heard, according to a book written on the subject) but it's easy to see if one dumbs down the plot to a few words. The first Conan, for example, "family dead, guy wants revenge." Throw in a love interest and a side story involving "save the princess" (or, dumbed down further, "go fetch") and it's job done.

My first thought when you mentioned original movie was to think Vidocq, but thats really more because of the style. Thinking about it, the story is actually pretty basic: Guy dead, track down bad guy, with a couple puzzles to solve along the way.

EDIT 2: Sigh. I need to proofread my posts more.
Last edited by Quiet Man Cometh; 05-01-2011 at 09:35 PM.
Old Posted 05-01-2011, 09:30 PM Reply With Quote