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Default   #2   Mizeria Mizeria is offline
It's over 9000!
-How much difficulty did you have getting involved in the community?

I tend to have quite a bit of trouble myself. I know many members from other sites, but have also met a ton of new ones here. Yet even though I know a lot of the people I seem to have a hard time finding places I'm comfortable talking. I barely ever start threads because I find that they always die and honestly that hurts me a little. I'm really trying to open up more, and I'm truly wishing to be more active. I'm just having trouble with it presently.

-Do you feel like such a small site is hard to become a part of because of the everybody-knows-everybody atmosphere?

In threads when I first go in them I feel its hard to get into the conversation. For either my posts are missed or I've got nothing to say about the topic they are talking about so I don't post not wanting to take away from existing conversations....
"It's in the stars.
It's been written in the scars on our hearts.

Your head is running wild again, my dear.
We still have everythin'.
We're not broken, just bent.
I'll fix it for us.
Our love's enough. "
Old Posted 04-12-2011, 12:12 AM Reply With Quote