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Originally Posted by Rem View Post
Oh wow, do you think you'd do that for me Taiki? I would really appreciate it! x3 as soon as I get some free time I'm going to try pixeling some things. :V I have pixeled a little but my pixeling style is more..cel shadey? I pixel things like game sprites and backgrounds (i use dithering sometimes haha) but that doesn't really translate. I think this is more like regular CGing but with the pencil tool? ;O Do you guys actually use smudge?
Of course I can. C: It's no problem. Well, when I draw CG art, it's cell shaded so pixeling in soft shade is different but it's not too hard to learn. If I can do it, I'm sure you can too. xD I only use the pencil tool when making the pixel outline and adding tiny details, then I use really small brushes (1pt-3pt) to do the shading. o3o When I first started, I used the smudge tool a lot, but now I don't. I find it easier and better for detailing to use a brush at like 70 Opacity instead. But that's also because I pixel like Silverbleed at regular size, most of the other artists expand their work and then shrink it back down. You should try different methods and find which works best for you. Like, I tried the blowing up and shrinking but it was like 10x harder for me than just working at regular size. owo

Old Posted 04-04-2011, 02:27 PM