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Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
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►xWhere did you hear about Trisphee?
I was bored and having the urge to join another avatar site after 3-4 years of quitting avatar sites... I was still unemployed back then so I decided to search the internet one day for a new avatar site, if not new, still under construction so I could help out and settle on that site... Then, I came across Trisphee when I searched for sites under construction, i forgot the site where I came across the link... Then, I emailed Fen-Fen to become one of the closed beta testers... She asked me a few questions then permitted me to become a closed beta tester and the rest is history... HAHA!

►xHow long have you been on Trisphee?
Since closed beta, I joined July 28, 2010...

►xAre you active on any other avatar sites? If so, which ones?
Nope, loyal to trisphee as ever... LOL! I already anchored my ship here...

►xWhen do you use Trisphee most often? (Nights, Mornings, Weekends, et cetera.) Why?
Nights on weekdays and the whole day and night during weekends if I'm at home... RL work is keeping me away from trisphee so I get on whenever I can...

►xAre you more active on Trisphee when we release new features/items, or is your activity fairly consistent?
my activity is fairly consistent... i'm always online when I work would permit me, with or without new features/items or even events...

►xHow do you feel about Trisphee events?
I enjoy all of them so far... Especially that it has storylines and quite interactive...

►xHow do you feel about Trisphee's layering system?
Absolutely genius! First time I tried this kind of thing... but really enjoyable... avatars rarely look the same with anyone else's...

►xHow do you feel about Trisphee's community?
The community here is accommodating ever since I started... even the staff... this is the reason i keep going online... the people i always talk to here, that is...

►xIf you have experience with other avatar sites, what do you feel makes Trisphee different?
the community, firstly in my opinion... and the layering system sets them way apart from others... just my opinion...

►xIf you could only pick one, what is your favorite thing about Trisphee?
the people around here... as you can see, i don't change the way my avatar looks so i'm mostly after the conversation and people around here...

"Semper Liberi et Fidelis in Infinitum"

Crimson Regrets' Pirate Captain

Member since 07-28-2010

Old Posted 03-30-2011, 09:29 AM Reply With Quote