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Filling this out for the heck of it :'D

►xWhere did you hear about Trisphee?
If I remember right I was on another site and wondering where Alexander Linden had disappeared off to, as he had closed his shop and stuff, so I post stalked him and saw he had moved onto another site. I was looking for a new place to go to escape some drama, and I like going on new just-starting sites, so I PM'd him (I think? or emailed) and asked about the site. He said I had to email Fen to get a link to join the beta, so I did, and the rest is history!
►xHow long have you been on Trisphee?
7-30-2009, since closed beta, but I wasn't as active then as I wanted to be. I was much more active after open beta.
►xAre you active on any other avatar sites? If so, which ones?
I'm a member of lots of sites, but mostly active on Gaia (buying art & RPing only), Solia (occasional - I have a farm :B), Ernya - rarely, probably until my friend Ichiru returns, if he does and I check out Chloria like once every couple of weeks.
►xWhen do you use Trisphee most often? (Nights, Mornings, Weekends, et cetera.) Why?
Nights, since that's when I'm up working and I slack off on the internet during my job :D
►xAre you more active on Trisphee when we release new features/items, or is your activity fairly consistent?
Fairly consistent, though I have occasions where I only post a couple times a day, but I check in every week at least
►xHow do you feel about Trisphee events?
Unique!! I love that the site has its own mythology and centers its event calendar around a whole different world. And the event items are actually wearable at all times instead of centered around a holiday, very excellent.
►xHow do you feel about Trisphee's layering system?
Best thing ever. EVER.
►xHow do you feel about Trisphee's community?
IT IS OSM. Friendly people and usually you can jump into any conversation and you'll be included.
►xIf you have experience with other avatar sites, what do you feel makes Trisphee different?
Unique layering system, unique events, unique concept all around. Also this is one of the most LGBTQ-friendly sites I've ever seen.
►xIf you could only pick one, what is your favorite thing about Trisphee?
The world it's created and the community.

i won't rot ∙ not this mind and not this heart ∙ i won't rot
Old Posted 03-27-2011, 09:38 PM Reply With Quote