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Dem Dem is offline
I killed the muffin man. OMNOMNOM
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My questions for you are as follows:

►xWhere did you hear about Trisphee?
A friend told me about it a long time ago, right at the beginning of closed beta. She told me that it seemes promising, do I decided to check it out and I have been active ever since.
►xHow long have you been on Trisphee?
On May 22nd it will have been two years since I joined Trisphee.
►xAre you active on any other avatar sites? If so, which ones?
Yes. I am mainly active on Roliana, but on occasion I will go on Gaiaonline.
►xWhen do you use Trisphee most often? (Nights, Mornings, Weekends, et cetera.) Why?
Nights and weekends, they are the times when more people seem to be online and I also usually have free time then.
►xAre you more active on Trisphee when we release new features/items, or is your activity fairly consistent?
I am not particularly more active when there are new releases, but neither am I consistent with my activity. When I am more active on Roliana, I am less active on Trisphee and the reverse.
►xHow do you feel about Trisphee events?
I really like them so far. The Taskal war had a couple of glitches, but other than that it was great. The events are very creative and downright amazing for such a new website.
►xHow do you feel about Trisphee's layering system?
I LOVE it! Why would you not love unlimited layering?
►xHow do you feel about Trisphee's community?
They are pretty nice. Sometimes I think it can feel a bit exclusive to the newer members when the older members are talking about way back when we were in closed beta.
►xIf you have experience with other avatar sites, what do you feel makes Trisphee different?
It's unique events. Most avatar sites have events that go along with holidays such as Valentine's Day and Halloween. If you follow the Trisphee storyline at all, you know that it is based on completely different planets, so we have completely different annual events.
►xIf you could only pick one, what is your favorite thing about Trisphee?
Boob pudding The people. ^_^

Thank you for your input.

Dem is Lucid's Waffle. <3
Old Posted 03-27-2011, 12:13 PM Reply With Quote