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Honor Honor is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
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Hi, I'm interested in a roleplay, and I think I have a plot that might suit you. What do you think about this :

Revenge was without a doubt the young slayers reason for joining. Either personal revenge or revenge for humanity as a whole it did not matter. What mattered was that she/he had burned with it's fury. It had consumed her/him and left her/him in a unchangeable situation. She/he had made the choice in a spur of the moment decision and was now forever trapped with it. She/he was a slayer and whether or not she/he liked it or not.

He/she was born, or he/she was made. Whether from the beginning or from prime of life he/she was a blood drinker. A vampire. Whether compassionate or heartless or, cynical or pure intentions he/she was now a creature of the night, making his/her way through an everlasting midnight.

These two people are thrown together as the attend the same school as sophomores. Both know that it is unwise to interact with others, and afraid to get close to anyone. Why is it then that they seen to enjoy each others company so much? Why is it so easy to talk to each other? And why, for goodness sacks, does it hurt to lie to each other? Faced with these problems the two become friends, strictly friends. Anything more would be disastrous.

Four years later, however, as they are just a year out of high school their carefully concealed secret lives close in on them, threatening to destroy the small slice of happiness they have found. When faced with the truth about the other will they stay true to their hearts or will do what must be done and has been done for centuries? And can they, among all this turmoil, finally realize the depth of their feelings for each other or will they push those feelings aside forever?

Oh course we could change things around by all means. I like to make each roleplay an individual, keeps it fresh. ^^
Old Posted 03-24-2011, 09:16 PM Reply With Quote