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Default   #16   Mirror Gardens Mirror Gardens is offline
Something was definitely wrong. Opening her eyes, Twilight sat up, her leather clad legs dropping down on either side so that she sat straddling the branch she had been previously napping upon. Looking down the first thing she noticed was the distinct silence. With a frown, she grabbed her broadsword she had hung on another branch and dropped silently down onto the forest floor. Kneeling down she listened more intently, nothing.
Slinging the large blade over her shoulder, she adjusted the strap across her chest and stood up scanning the area for anything her ears might have missed. The distinct sound of snapping twigs had Twilight whirling around in an instant, the crossbow that had been hanging at her side now in her hand as she aimed at the source of the sound. A small black doe darted out from behind a bush. Lowering the weapon, the wood-elf watched as the frightened animal ran away. It wasn’t afraid of her.
Looking in the direction the animal had come from, Twilight wondered what had been so terrifying that is had managed to scare off the majority of the wild life in the area. Keeping her crossbow in hand, she decided to investigate and began running in the direction the animal had come from. She moved quickly and quietly through the woods, an easy enough task. The woods were similar to the woods of her homeland, which was in part why she had decided to take up camp in one of its trees.
The air took on a distinct chill the further into the forest she moved. Soon she found herself running through a fog bank. ‘Odd…where did this fog come from?’ Slowing her pace a bit, the wood-elf let her eyes readjust to the mist. Not to far from her location she felt a sudden pull in the wind that almost knocked her off her feet. Gripping onto a nearby tree, Twilight gripped tightly onto the bark to avoid being drawn in by the suction. It didn’t last long. The winds soon died down and she found herself standing once again in a still wood, even the fog had vanished. The calm was short lived as a bright flash of violet erupted about forty yards to her left. When the light faded, her frown returned.
Magic…it had to have been magic’ she thought. Twilight and magic had never been on the best of terms, at best she was only able to master a few healing spells and charms, but all her attempts at anything larger than that tended to end up disastrously for her so she tried to avoid the stuff as much as possible. Still, she was curious as to what had driven the animals off and disturbed her from her sleep. Still armed with her crossbow, Twilight made her way towards where the light had vanished. As she neared a small clearing, she crouched behind a tree and studied the area, spotting two forms near the center of the area.
I am the Goddess of Volcanoes...I Bleed Lava :3
Old Posted 03-15-2011, 04:10 PM Reply With Quote