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Default   #68   Kitty Desu Kitty Desu is offline
THIS. IS. SPAR -shot- ... *gurgle*

In my relationship, there are tasks that I know my owner (that would be the proper term for my husband) would want to be done. So, I do them. That mostly includes keeping the house clean while he's at work. When he comes home I do simple things like take off his shoes and socks (and the rest of his clothes if he wants me to), give him a light massage, tell him about my day... :3

I also wash his hair for him sometimes. > w < I love doing it because he has really soft hair. 8D

He gave me a collar for my last birthday. ; 3; It's so cute~

EDIT: You're welcome to message me with any questions or comments that you don't believe are appropriate for the young ones.
Old Posted 02-26-2011, 09:07 PM Reply With Quote