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Gentle Lady
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It was quite the relief that Terence was so strong, as Stella was certainly not built for strength. The fem possessed the lithe body of a feline, agile and flexible by nature, but by no means a heavy lifter. Even when she did the sorts of exercise she was accustomed to, mostly running, no muscle bulked up her petite form.

In then end, it wasn't such a terrible ordeal, and they'd managed to get the whole thing done in just a few hours. Smiling to herself, Stella glanced about at the apartment that suddenly felt so much more homey. Luckily, it wasn't like the young woman had scattered pink frilly things all over the place, she herself had a more laid back style, and things seemed to meld together well enough. Of course she wasn't devoid of feminine possessions, but she had kept them in check so as to try and keep the apartment as neutral as possible save for a few little things here and there, not all so overpowering to the masculine atmosphere in the end.

"We did such a good job!" Clapping her hands together, the fem joined him on the couch, bouncing up onto the plush surface beside him with a sigh of contentment. "Oh, I'll go and make dinner now, since you did most of the hard work." Giving a playful smile, she was up onto her feet again and trotting off for the kitchen, as energetic as ever.

It wasn't so far into her cooking experiment that a high pitched yelp of pain echoed through the apartment followed by the clatter of metal and a successive whimper. Somewhere, in the midst of frying up the veggies and chicken for the burritos in the same pan, a bit of oil, scalding hot as it was, had burned the fem's hand. That, however, was only the beginning, because the feline's natural reaction had been to pull back, the sleeve of her sweater snagging on the handle of the pan and tugging it right off the stove as she jumped back.

In the end, unfortunate as she was, Stella could be found on the floor of the kitchen, burning hot veggies and scattered about the floor and on herself, cooking oil soaked up into her pj pants. Those innocent, emerald eyes were watering, as she bit back on her lip in pain, trying to compose herself enough to react and treat her burns. The poor thing still hadn't realized that the sudden shock wave of pain had been enough to pull her concentration away from suppressing her less....normal features. Two small, fuzzy black ears rested now atop her head, poking out from messy hair, and a slim matching tail poked out from the top of her pants.

[Sorry, couldn't help myself. xD]
Old Posted 02-16-2011, 07:41 PM Reply With Quote