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Default   #46   Hikori Hikori is offline
Xhenos Machina
She'd feel bad about failing our marriage and leaving in the middle of marriage counseling screaming about how she's not the problem, and not talk to me for at least a year or two. 3 years after the divorce was finalized- she would offer to take me out to dinner at my favorite classical music and dinner place, hoping to surprise me by remembering which place it was- commenting on how well adjusted to human life i'm becoming for a cyborg... I remind her that i was once human when i was little child, and after an awkward silence we start up the conversation again.

A few drinks later- and a whole lot of reminiscing, we wake up in bed next to each other- wondering why we even split in the first place... only for her current lover to walk in on us laying there barely dressed...

Good times.

Elegia de beatus: dolore de realitatem...
Old Posted 02-13-2011, 10:05 PM Reply With Quote