Thread: Social anxiety?
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Ginger Ginger is offline
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I am having a huge issue. For some reason my boyfriend's older brother and his older brother's girlfriend keep posting rude comments on my status updates, like they don't have anything nice to say about me anymore, just because we had a tiny disagreement about gun control. I told his brother that I am for gun control and his brother said they won't have any respect for me anymore because they are anti-gun control. They play first person shooters all the time and they have guns they like to shoot off. I respect their beliefs and I don't know why they can't respect mine. I really didn't expect them to react that way and it really hurts me because my boyfriend's family means more to me than my family does to me. My family turned their backs on me after I was sexually abused by my step great grandpa up until I was eight. They didn't believe it, and he didn't go to jail because his church bailed him out the next day. Then my grandpa on my mom's side did it, but he had enough money to where he could get a good lawyer and win the case. Then my cousin did it the same year and his mom didn't believe me. She thought I was paranoid because of what happened with her dad a few months earlier.

To have my boyfriend's family start turning their backs on me is really hurtful. They are all I have and I feel like I understand them better than my own family.
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Old Posted 02-10-2011, 11:23 PM Reply With Quote