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Default   #4   M e w M e w is offline
Local Weirdo
It had been a monumental day, the day Terence would be taking the next step in his first real relationship since being turned five years ago. Stella was an amazing girl who he had felt an instant connection with, and now she would be moving into his roomy apartment with him. He couldn't deny that the thought of having her there permanently made him nervous. First and most obviously, the fact that he was a werewolf would be even harder to hide with her living in the same space. But secondly, he was always nervous when it came to intimacy and there was bound to be even more of that now that this day had come. The thought made him blush slightly as he lifted the last box out of the bed of his truck.

As he carried the box up the flights of stairs to his own apartment his thoughts moved to the fact that there had been plenty of boxes to be moved. He hadn't realized how many things a girl could own.
Moving the weight of the box to his left arm he reached out with his right to turn the knob to his home and walked inside to find Stella searching through the multitude of boxes scattered around his living room. He set the final box down in an empty space and stood up straight, smiling down at his girlfriend.

"Don't worry about it Stella, I'm sure we can find space for everything without you needing to get rid of anything," he said with a chuckle. She always worried over unnecessary things and sometimes it could drive him a little crazy.
He walked over to her and knelt down next to her, reaching out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"We can always get rid of some of my clothes instead if they don't all fit," he mused. He knew he spoiled her rotten but he could never help himself. After all, she was more important to him than all the material things he could get himself.
Old Posted 02-09-2011, 11:08 PM Reply With Quote