Thread: Social anxiety?
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Default   #4   Mica Mica is offline
In the Box
Frankly, if anyone had the nerve to disrespect my trust like that, I'd be royally pissed. Also, I would have probably physically hit his brother(and him, really...) if he asked why I was so rude and didn't have the balls to ask his brother first. And if he did and his brother lied, then he's in for another world of pain.

Moving on.

It's natural to be conscious of what other people think of you, a lot of people have that kind of anxiety though maybe in different levels. I'm not sure if it's exactly social anxiety, I just know how it feels. Thinking about it helps sometimes, I sit, think and repeat to myself that their opinions are probably worthless to me if they are quick enough to make a bad judgment on a brief impression. Now, sometimes that doesn't work and I still feel bad, but I resign to that fact and after a little bit longer, it's all better now because, well, it's true.

I didn't feel better right away, but that kind of solution works for me. We're all different but you might try and give it a chance. Like Blitz said, try and focus on the people around you who actually care and treat you with respect.

Long, long hiatus.
Last edited by Mica; 02-07-2011 at 09:59 PM.
Old Posted 02-07-2011, 09:47 PM Reply With Quote