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Default   #24   Yommy Yommy is offline
Fluffy, smooshy an oh so nommy!
I love everyone but sadly I cannot stand being around more than two or three at a time. It's annoying and aggravating when they use you an toss you away like a disposable friend. I don't make friends irl very easy and it's harder since I don't work an am home all the time. So online it is for me for now anyway that is.

So seeing as most of my friends are online only friends I try to be there when needed. However, I am only good to some if they can whine to me while other times they won't even speak. Yes they only talk in comments or pm's and they refuse to speak to me in threads besides the simple curtsy greeting of Hello. An it's usually because they think themselves better and only worthy of those of equal value.

In short I have grown very wary of who I add to my lists or speak to. Humans are so secretive and reserved about what they want from someone that it's a hassle to deal with on a constant basis.
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Old Posted 02-07-2011, 04:02 PM Reply With Quote