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• • Syra Victoria Smyth

Note;; Feel free to draw these two... Together. <3 It would be nice, nice, nice and appropriate for the novel they are in together. Though, the female shouldn't be very happy towards Cole. Perhaps draw them embracing and her trying, but not too hard, to get away?
Name;; Syra Victoria Smyth
Age;; 25
Gender;; Female
Ethnicity;; British
Personality;; She has an extremely large ego. She is a very frightening person for others to be around considering her status and what she does to people. She's glad to allow people to fear her, but when they don't fear her she fears them. She doesn't fear for long though, for she thinks way too much for her own good. She is very OCD and actually counts her steps when she walks to places to make sure they are always the same amount of steps away as last time. It's how she remembers where things are. If you were to tell her how to get somewhere, she would ask you how many steps you thought it would take to get there. She is very intelligent and she has very good reflexes and investigation skills. It wouldn't be possible to deceive her for she thinks quick on her feet no matter what and can always talk her way out of a situation. She knows she has power and she enjoys using it to get what she wants. Disobey her and face the consequences.
Appearance;; She is a very athletic looking person for she takes good care of herself. She has red hair that probably goes down a little bit past her shoulders, or exactly AT her shoulders. Her eyes are a bright green and she is very pale. She is pale due to the fact that she stays inside all of the time. Her bangs always fall in front of her eyes, but they do not cover her eyes completely. They probably go down past her eyes and touch the top of her cheekbones on her face. Her hair is not wavy, it is perfectly straight.
Clothing;; Her clothes are almost always very dark. She enjoys wearing the old looking button down jackets. It's a double button on the front and it is very tight and elegant looking. It is usually decorated in either gold or green. Sometimes red, so any other those colors work. It is always black, with any of those colors decorating it. She wears skirts that never go past her knees, sometimes they only go down to mid thigh. She wears boots that come all the way up to her knees and buckle up the side. They have a heel on them that is probably about three inches. She sometimes has her hair up in a pony tail so that it won't be on her neck, but that isn't an everyday thing. When she wants to look even more elegant than normal, she puts it in a bun.
Jacket style, but the edges shouldn't be the same. | Boots. | Possible Skirt | Possible skirt, but without the red design on the side. | Possible dress. | Possible dress. | Possible dress(The bottom needs to be shorter. Probably mid thigh.) | Possible dress, but with a shorter skirt. Mid thigh. Also, a little tighter on the skirt. | Possible dress | Possible dress. Tighter skirt. | Possible outfit | Possible shirt | Hair color | Hair style | Eye color
Background;; Now that you have read all of that about this girl, I think you should know that she killed her family when she was only 16. She killed them and ate them. This was in the time when no one knew what to do when you killed some of your own family because the only way they could think to do anything to punish her would be to kill part of her family... But she had done that. They were frightened of her because she actually ate them. She had always been very interested in what a person would taste like, so it wasn't a surprise to her best friend Cole. He just slowly grew away from her after that because it changed her completely. She now owns the house they lived in and inherited all of the money that they had, since she was the only heir. She hires people to work for her and to cook people for her. She lives out her life in the mansion that her family used to own. Now it is only hers.

• • Cole Dimitri Warner

Name;; Cole Dimitri Warner
Age;; 26
Gender;; Male
Ethnicity;; British
Personality;; He's a bit more normal that Victoria, but he's got a short temper in the end. It doesn't take much to set him off. He's very intelligent and he's normally in a good mood. Even if he isn't in a good mood, then he's going to act like it. He's one of those people that bottles up their emotions and won't tell anyone unless they are really close to him. Victoria used to be that person until... What he refers to as "The Accident" happened. Then, he slowly drifted away from her because he knew she wasn't the same person anymore. He's slightly driven himself insane with all of the thinking he does. He's got good investigation skills as well and could probably talk his way out of any scenario. He's good with getting people to join his side and he can convince people that the sky is purple when it's really blue.
Appearance;; He's got short brown hair that's sort of choppy. It looks like he never runs a comb or a brush through it ever, but it seems to stay in order. His eyes are a very pale and icy blue, almost unnaturally so. His skin is very pale. They live in a town where people don't go outside much, so it is understandable that he is pale as well. People just want to get away from Victoria.
Clothing;; He wears simple things. Normally a button down shirt with a collar that's button all the way up, but not the first three or four buttons. He wears any kind of pants. They can be blue, khaki, or black. He's not very picky. He just wants to pretty much look the same every time someone sees him.
Shirt | Pants | Pants | Boots | Hair color | Hair style | Eye color
Background;; He was childhood friends with Victoria. He called her Vicky and she called him Colie. It was just little nicknames they had for each other, since they knew each other for a long time. If Victoria had not gone insane like she had, he probably would have fallen in love with her. He might still be in love with her, but he is in denial about his feelings now that he knows what she does. He's always lived in that same town but he moved away from his parents as soon as Victoria ate hers. They were afraid that he had learned things from her and they didn't much want him around... So, he just left. Now, Victoria needed new hands in her house so she made a few calls. Cole was one of those people she called. He's not sure why she wanted him to come work for her, but any chance to get close to her once again was a good thing to him.

[ L v e ]

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for...
Last edited by #FFFFFF; 01-30-2011 at 02:14 PM.
Old Posted 01-29-2011, 05:42 PM Reply With Quote