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Hermes Hermes is offline
Trisphee Kensai
Default Fortriu - Chapter 1: Legend of Snakes {Open/taking apps}   #1  
This is a roleplay based off of my Belegarth realm, Fortriu, in which I help run the main house. In the roleplay, it's my character, Erik, along with whoever joins. I'll post the plot summary in the second post. This post is just to give you the idea of what I want a profile to look like, and some rules.

Weapons(Nothing modern!):
Magic prowess(MUST BE APPROVED BY ME!):
Anything else you wanna add:

You don't have to add a backstory if you don't want to~

1. Follow ToS
2. The usual roleplayer's realm rules~
3. No killing another character without permission first!
4. No changing your characters' traits and such without permission
5. Be courteous. If you're mean, jerkish, or just flat out rude, I'm gonna have to kick ya out.
6. Don't get too personal here , it's a roleplay on a website. If someone's CHARACTER insults you, just remember, it's not THEM insulting you.
7. I have the right to add and remove rules as I see fit.
<--Trisphee Kensai-->
Last edited by Hermes; 01-21-2011 at 04:55 PM.
Old Posted 01-21-2011, 04:43 PM Reply With Quote