Thread: I'm What?!
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Default   #8   Pinkzilla Pinkzilla is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
Jessibell found herself staring. Staring at the bacon, ham, eggs and other wonderful breakfast foods her fridge held. They all looked so good. Then the fruit caught her eye. Honey dew would do just right! As she picked the melon out of the fridge she heard a knock on the door. She had a pretty darn good idea of whom it was and that brought a smile to her face. Closing the fridge she set the melon down on the counter as she left the kitchen and skipped to the door.

Opening it with a wide smile on her face her thought of who it was was confirmed. There he was. The young man that meant pretty much everything to her. She felt that the word love was the only way to describe what she felt for him. Then again, worry seemed to always be in the corner of her mind. Worry for what might happen if he were to decide to leave her with the kid. She did not want the child growing up without a father. Never the less, he seemed to always be there for her now and that was all she could ask for. Taking a few steps back she outstretched her arm motioning for him to come in. "Good-morning Ryo, come on in."
Old Posted 01-20-2011, 02:06 AM Reply With Quote