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* please excuse how rough this looks. the three images are linked to their larger, uncropped originals.

The Kingdom of Salonia is the most beautiful Kingdom in the nation. The palace that resides in the middle of it was constructed of white marble, so it glistens in when the sun hits it. The gardens around it one ones to be envied. It's the most beautiful in the spring, when all the flowers are in bloom and the trees are all green and full of fruit. It's people are caring people and crime is little, but everyone in Salonia has a fighters spirit. It didn't become the most powerful nation on it's own. Salonia's past is filled with war and betrayal. All of Salonia's ancestors were fighters, and that spirit has stayed till this very day.

Salonia is located right in front of the Enchanted Forest, so, if taken over by Trylic, the people have a place to escape to. The forest is centuries old and filled with old, powerful magic. It's easy to get lost in, and deadly to those who don't respect it.

The enchanted forest behind Salonia is home to creatures that occupy myth, legends, and nightmares. They are the creatures of dreams and curses. Within the ancient trees lay nymph's and faeries keeping the healthy and free of infection, while they provide a home and a place of frolic. Elves, centaurs, and shapeshifters roam the forest floors, making it and the trees their home. Griffins, phoenixes, and all other birds of wonder soar the skies, and the waters are teeming with the enchanted: mermaids, nymphs, and larger than life fish. At night, the nightmares come out. Imps, demons, wraiths, drows. Creatures of poison and death.

The Kingdom of Trylic is an industrial kingdom. It's the most prosperous kingdom because it produces the most iron, which it excavates from the cliff the castle is built on, and the fishing industry through the ocean that is was built along side of. Trylic is a fortress, near impossible to penetrate from the outside. It is built atop a cliff, along side of a vast ocean. It has only one opening to main land: a thin strip of land.

Trylic, like Salonia, has a place for it's people to escape to if overtaken. The people would enter the cliff itself, which is filled with tunnels and has enough provisions for the population to last for a few months. The tunnel system is so complex that there are only a hand full of people that know how to navigate it without getting lost within them.
Last edited by Miscellaneous; 01-19-2011 at 03:20 PM.
Old Posted 01-18-2011, 10:26 PM Reply With Quote