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Esprit-Rion Serami Kienra (Espy)
Age: 19

Espy is a skilled assassin with an extensive knowledge of potion alchemy, who also dabble in medicine. She is, at times, cold and bitter, but on occasion will show a warmer side. During the war, she had helped at the nurses' tent. Her main motivation for joining the war is to find information on her lost sister, and perhaps Toshi herself.
Espy's concerns include the trouble caused by the Knights of Chaos, and her loyalties, which she still isn't sure lie where.

Direnza Orliesco Kienra (Storm)
Age: 18

The sometimes awkward Storm fights mostly to prove himself to his sister and the world. He isn't strong; his halberd turns his arm into a chunk of lead in a matter of minutes. However, he's determined to show that being weak and gawky doesn't mean he's not strong in other ways. He doesn't like fighting, but doesn't really see any other alternative.
The Corrupt general Asura had used him mostly to gain information on his sister and the Divine, and also to perhaps bring out courage and make him a decent soldier.

Old Posted 01-13-2011, 03:27 AM Reply With Quote