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Woo, Graduated High School
Alice awoke in the middle of her dreams. Once again the tears were falling from her eyes, and once again the nightmares haunted her. The last face she saw this time was his as he slit her mothers throat and moved on to her baby sister. The untold things she saw that time. The pain that still stays captive in her heart. No one would ever know the stories of her past. As long as it were. She was the last of her tribe, and as far as she knew with all her searching she was the last of her kind.

Soon she would have to leave this place. It had been to many years. Someone as bound to say something by now about her lack of aging. Which wasn't really that. Elementals age slowly. It could take 10 or even 20 human year to make her age one. Yet her eyes held the wisdom of all of those years. She stood up and walked to her window. Still hidden in shadow she looked out over the streets below her. No one had found her home, her sanctuary , yet though many had tried. No one was in the streets below, and all was quiet. The cold chill of the night swept across her and a shiver run down her spine.

She turned and scanned the room. Not much was required for her to have, and surely nothing extra other than what was needed would be found. Except for the one item that never left her person. She wore it always. The necklace with a crest long forgotten to the human races. A line dead because of one mans evil deeds. A man who, even though was hunted and killed many years ago, still haunts her every night. For it was all her fault, and she knew it.

She quickly got dressed. Pulling on long black pants and an emerald green t-shirt. She added her well crafted black leather holsters to her hips, and placed her twin pistols in them. She grabbed her trench coat, katana, and bag as she headed to the door. Looking back only to see emptiness behind her. She had rolled up the blanket she use as a bed and place it into her bag with other necessities. Nothing was left in her little room. The one place she had called home for so long, but this is what she did every time she left. Not knowing if she would ever make it back.

She sighed softly to herself and walked out the door. There was nothing on the other side except a huge drop to the ground, and as she stepped over vines and roots sprouted up from the ground and brought her to the ground quickly and silently. When she reached the end of the ally she looked back to make sure nothing could be seen where the roots had appeared. Then she left without a trace.

Walking down the empty street with the silver from moon in the sky lighting her way she avoided all sound and motion in the night. She liked to stay by herself, unless of course, she needed something. Yet she was not hungry and hadn't the need for money at the present time. She just finished a big deal a few nights before and had enough spare gold to last many a night.

Maybe I shall leave this place tonight.... Nothing is really keeping me here. Sure Daemon would be out his best customer, but he would survive. He's always saying I deserve better. More of a life.... Eh. He's the only reason I've stayed so far. The only one that's seemed to care. It's a face on all the others. They wouldn't miss me if they never saw me again.... Maybe thats what I'll do then. Stop by and say adieu to my dearest Daemon.

Alice chuckled as she thought to herself. Knowing what people thought was the most unpleasant thing sometimes. Poor fool, Daemon really loved her. She moved her hands slightly to her sides brushing her pistols quickly, and changed her course.

Walking quicker, now dodging people would be more difficult. Daemon loved to stay in populated areas. Even though it tended to get him in trouble. One day she might come to see why he did what he did, but for now it remained a mystery. He told her he was throwing a party. God only knows what that meant. Back in the day a party was full of fancy things, dancing, and lots of wine; or so this is what he always told her. If he could pull that off now she had seriously not given him enough credit. He had said he could find anything she ever wanted given the time and the right amount of payment.

She found herself walking right into a well light area. Not by electric lights, but by many candles. So many she couldn't count them. A band was playing on anything they could, and the music they made wasn't half bad. People were singing and dancing. Some were dressed up in outfits not normally seen. Yet all were smiling and having the times of their lives. In this time that was rare. And there was Daemon; Right in the back and the center of attention. Women all around, and their men not looking very pleased at the attention he was getting from them. Still they were chatting calmly with him not trying to fight him or rip their women from his side.

Alice found herself smiling. Knowing that she was seriously under dressed and would be out of place if she entered his crowd, but the urge to be human for once took over. She knew that she could take him from them with just a few words. Have his full attention. Maybe even dance around like a love sick fool for once and let everything go for just a night. She walked forward into the light. Some people noticed and pointed or talked about her. Others paid no mind to her. The music kept playing and the wine kept pouring. She walked straight to him and his crowd. Her emerald eyes sparkling in the candle light, and the silver from the moon shown behind her. He stopped talking and looked straight at her.

"Alice, my dear, I'm so glad you could make it." The smile on his lips couldn't possibly begin to hint at the thoughts running through his mind. Dark and devilish as it was. If he could do the things he thought nothing in the 'verse would stop him. Yet, he couldn't and he knew it.

"Darling I didn't realize it would be such a show. If only I had better clothes for the situation..." She paused to look down at herself putting on a show. "...I swear to you darling I would've been here sooner, but I was so ashamed of my appearance. I didn't want to ruin your party." She blushed then and smiled softly.

"Never you mind that." He stood holding out his hand "You are the loveliest woman in the world. Nothing could steal away your brilliance. Not the lack of fancy things, or any other woman dressed to their necks in ribbons or lace. " Her blush deepen as she grabbed his hand, and he spun her towards the dance floor...
Your words hurt.
I'm human too, can't you see?
Not some stone statue with an iron heart.
I'm flesh and bone.
Just looking for a home.
Looking at the world behind glass eyes.
Bringing myself to the surface.
Past is past.
Scars are just marks of battles won.
Yet your words reopen old wounds.
I'm bleeding to death behind this icy exterior.
Throw on that fake smile and push through the day.
I'm human too... Why do you treat me like I'm nothing?
Old Posted 12-11-2010, 02:39 AM Reply With Quote