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(If there are any terms not on here or that are on here and are incorrect, feel free to contact me.)

General Terms

LGBT - Stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender. This is the most common acronym used to represent those of different sexualities and lifestyles, even they aren’t always included in the acronym itself. If we tried to fit everything, it would wind up something like: LGBTTTIQQA even then people are still left out.
GSA - Stands for Gay Straight Alliance. This term is used to describe to signify a place where straight and cisgendered people and those of different sexualities and genders gather together as allies and supporters of each other.
Queer - An individual that supports gay/lesbian/trans/etc rights
Cross-dresser - dresses as the opposite gender and may or may not identify as transgender; done possibly for personal satisfaction: be it sexual, emotional, or financial
Transsensual - A person who falls in love with someone who is transgender and/or gender variant, MtF or FtM; some transgender people view people who identify as such as having a fetish and/or objectifying them; tranny chaser, admirer, or chaser can be used (though these are almost always used for those who objectify and/or fetishize trans*people)
Homophobia - Fear and hatred of LGBT people.
Homophobe - Used to describe someone who has homophobia, doesn’t support LGBT rights, or dislikes LGBT people for whatever reason. Sometimes used as an insult.
In The Closet - This expression is used to describe someone who is hiding or has not announced their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Out Of The Closet/Open - Used to describe someone who has announced and come to terms with their sexual orientation or gender identity and is no longer hiding in the metaphorical closet.

Sexual Orientation Terms
Questioning - Someone who is exploring their sexual or gender identity. Also used for someone who is unsure of their gender or sexuality.
Heterosexual - Sexually attracted to the opposite gender and/or sex. Also defined as “Straight”.
Homosexual - Sexually attracted to the same gender and/or sex. Also known as “Gay/Lesbian”.
Bisexual - Sexually attracted to both males and females Also known as “Bi”.
Pansexual/Omnisexual - Sexually attracted to all genders and sexes [eg: male, female, gender queer etc]; personality is more important to attraction than sex or gender identity.
Trisexual - Attraction in men, women and a third party (oneself, animals, or vegetables)
Autosexual - Attraction to oneself
Sequential Bisexual - someone who occasionally has an attraction to one gender, the other gender, or sometimes both
Pomosexual - A person who avoids or rejects sexual orientation labels
Demisexual - Someone who only experiences sexual attraction towards someone they are extremely close to.
Asexual - Having no sexual desire or activity
Demiromantic - Someone who only experiences romantic feelings with someone they are extremely close to.
Gray-A - Part of the asexual spectrum in that they only experience sexual attraction, but have a low or non-existent sex-drive.
Aromantic - One who does not experience romantic attraction.
Biromantic - Experiences romantic attraction to both male and female gender/sex.
Homoromantic - Experiences romantic attraction to those of the same gender/sex.
Heteroromantic - Experiences romantic attraction to those of the opposite gender/sex
Panromantic - Experiences romantic attraction to all genders and sexes.
Polysexual - Attraction to more than two sexes or genders but not all sexes or genders.
Antisexual - One who believes that sex is immoral, wrong, and should be avoided at all costs. Antisexuals can be sexual or asexual.

Gender Terms

Transsexual - when gender identity doesn’t match assigned gender; generally medically-transition tracked; generally their gender fits in the gender binary (ie: either man or woman)
Transgender - someone whose gender identity does not match one's assigned sex; often used as an umbrella term for transsexual and gender variant people (cross-dressers' inclusion is a point of much contenton btw)
Gender expression - how masculine/feminine someone acts
Gender/sex role - the role, assinged by one's society, forced upon a person based on their gender and/or sex. Including, in the US, boys wear pants, girls play with dolls, men are tough, women are emotional, etc.
Cisgender - Someone whose gender identity, assigned sex, and gender expression/role matches.
Cissexed - Someone whose gender identity and assigned sex matches.
FTM, Female-to-Male, F2M - A female-assigned person who identifies on the masculine and/or male spectrum
MTF, Male-to-Female, M2F - A male-assigned person who identifies on the feminine and/or female spectrum
Assigned sex - the sex assigned to a person at birth, may or may not identify with this sex
Gender identity - what gender someone identifies as; may or may not fit within the gender binary
Gender binary - the binary system of gender/sex that s seen as a truth in many societies (including the US)
Transvestite - old term used for all gender variant, transsexual, and cross-dressing people. Rarely used now, but generally has a sexual connotation when used
New Half - born as one sex, but has gone through surgery and are now both
Gender Queer/Androgyne - identifies as either both genders, another gender, or no gender
Intersex - A person whose sex is hard to assign based on chromosomes, genitalia, primary sex organs, etc. Doctors often give such infants cosmetic surgeries (with or without the parents' permission or knowledge) to make the infant appear as a typical male or female
Hermaphrodites - Having both working sexual organs; generally seen as offensive and intersex is often preferred
She Male - An MtF who gets top surgery and then stops with the transition, meaning they have breast implants and that is it. The term has also been known to be used for an MtF sex worker and/or porn actress. Generally seen as offensive and derogatory.
Third gender/third sex - individuals who are considered to be neither women nor men, as well as the social category present in those societies who recognize three or more genders
Neutrois - Someone who identifies with neither physical sex or any sort of gender.
Genderfluid - Someone with a dynamic gender. They feel male one day, and female another day. Sometimes it's a mix of two or more genders.
Bigender - Someone who feels they are two different genders. This can either occur at once, or the person may fluctuate between the two.
Two Spirit - Native American term for someone who has the spirit of a man and the spirit of a woman at once. Those who were Two Spirit traditionally held roles of both males and females in tribes. Many spiritual leaders were Two Spirit.
Last edited by Arix; 11-21-2010 at 09:39 PM.
Old Posted 11-21-2010, 09:16 PM Reply With Quote