Thread: MMOs
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Default   #58   gypsydiver gypsydiver is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
I sorta go on free MMO binges. I've probably played a huge majority of them. I even played Hello Kitty Online which was pretty cool if only because it had alternate ways of getting exp beyonds grinding off of killing cute bunny critters.

Allods IS very good, DOMO is okay, Wonder King is a pretty good Maple Story alternative. I looove Ragnarok Online, I'll play on a private server in a second if someone asked me to.

I tend to always gravitate back to WoW, lord knows why. I know the mechanics, there's a large choice of races and classes, and the player base, while a large percent IS idiotic, is approachable and immersed. With free MMOs, no one talks to each other or gets chummy the way people do in WoW. Plus, I really like the RP community. >_>

give my pets some love?
Old Posted 10-13-2010, 11:24 PM