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Default   #44   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
The shock from the amount of force his spell had broke when he saw something white fall to the ground. "Ghost?! Ghost!" Suede paniced running to her. Any bandit that started to face him he threw a bolt at them. It may have worked it may have been ineffective. The young man reached her...and the man who got her. Another bolt stretched out from his hand but was deflected right back into him.

"Squirt, " he laughed "did you think no one else here used magic?" Suede felt a sudden pain in his side as the man kicked him. Suede growled at him with eyes full of anger. "And did you think I never got practice before being thrown here?" His aggressor became a pillar of human flesh aflame. His screaming was horrifying but Suede focused on one thing and that was getting Ghost and running away.

It took awhile to get her in his arms, but that stunt apparently kept the others from gaining on him until he caught speed. Mana bolts hit the trees and near his feet. But they finally got away unscathe. His legs were already wobbly turned to jelly. Sending both of them to the forest floor. Suede breathed hard. They stopped following at least...
Old Posted 10-09-2010, 08:11 PM Reply With Quote