Thread: The Daily Awful
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Default   #1754   Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Feel like the day started out okay, then it slowly just got not okay. =_=;
Ran late to class because I forgot to shower and had to use another bathing suit for class. Couldn't find parking for the life of me, and tried parking in spot closest to class, which I used to do before the campus police started to circle around there like vultures. >_<

I was 15 min late to class. ;_; Felt like such an idiot asking the teacher if we needed our boards and fins for class when it was so obvious we did, and I don't know why I did it. Why did I ask that? I wasn't trying to be a smartass, I don't know why I said that! <x'{ She inadvertently refused to answer my stupid question, and I just proceeded with being totally lost for not being there on time and knowing what we were all doing. ;_; Swam for a bit. Changed, and got back to the car.

I didn't get away with parking there without a 1HR paid permit, and got stuck with a $40 citation charge for not having a permit. B[ To which at this point I just accepted my fate and drove home without concern whether or not I live or die. I considered going to the offices for payment and just offering my blood to them as payment, because I might as well give SOME sort of payment that's similar to money. But that might prompt much concern and I might seem like a crazy person. >~>;

"You owe $43."
"Mmm sorry I can't pay you $43 because I have -$5 and I have no job. :T"
"It's okay. Just pay it in 21 days."
":] Will you take my blood as collateral instead? I can pay in blood. That's way easier. I won't park there again, I promise. 8c I don't need a hold. I'm poor. Please. Take my blood! 8C Take it!"
...yehhh, crazy. <x}
But, I got home safe and am currently in another one of the moods where I just want to f*cking be left alone in order to beat myself up more, then totally numb myself and ignore myself and abandon any and all responsibilities... B} again.
*sigh* I haven't even eaten lunch because I'm telling myself I don't deserve to eat for being an idiot. >-> ...this is how a normal human being functions, riiiight?? >we|||

TLDR: Was late to class because parking was sh*t.
Got scolded for being late because I didn't want to get a ticket and park closer, but ultimately had to because I was already late as hell.
Got a ticket for parking in a closer area without a permit. :]
I can't afford said ticket because I make no money, and it will need to be paid by my mum, which will result in more scolding.
*shrug* :T Guess I'll f*cking die.

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Old Posted 03-04-2020, 05:46 PM Reply With Quote