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Default   #4754   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
It's definitely not as much as some people have, but it's a lot for how little space I actually have in my apartment. I actually have all the main tubs in the back of my closet at the moment, but honestly I would love to someday get my stash back down to reasonable proportions so I could free up more room.

If I could eventually get my apartment set up the pinterest-perfect adult way I'd like it to be, I'd probably have a large craft desk along a wall. Ideally I would get an l-shaped desk that could go along a couple walls so I would have plenty of room for my sewing machine but also just counter space in general for my computer and other crafts. I'm not sure how I want to store my nail polish yet, but would like to get it better organized than it is now because it's so hard for me to find anything that half the time I don't bother painting my nails. I would just have maybe 1 trunk or tub of yarn, and only buy what I need for projects instead of stockpiling everything. And then mayne I could actually set my closet up properly to store clothes. Right now it's just a nightmare of random Christmas crap, yarn storage, and haphazardly hung clothes off to one side on a not stable at all extentable curtain rod type pole.

Sorry, I'm rambly tonight.

Tl;dr: It is a lot. Someday I want to downsize, get organized, and have an apartment that looks like a put-together adult lives in and live a bit more minimalistic than I currently do.
Old Posted 02-11-2020, 11:59 PM Reply With Quote