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Default   #70   Mekatra Mekatra is offline
SO this elderly couple have been married for 70 years. One day the wife is on her way up the stairs and pauses to straighten a picture then realizes she can't remember if she's going up or down so she calls to her husband. He calls back that she was on her way up to take a bath.

Once the wife gets to the bathroom she starts to step into the bathtub then pauses and calls again. "Was I getting in the tub or getting out?"

The husband sighs and grumbles to himself "Sure do hope my memory never gets as bad as hers" and knocks on the table for good measure. Then he yells, "Honey I'll be up to help you just as soon as I see who is at the door!"
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-05-2019, 11:19 AM