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Default   #13474   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
Kids are so precious

I never had new neighbors as a kid.
Basically, my parents built our house (well, they told the builders what they wanted and the builders built it, but you know what I mean) and we were the only house in that "lot" for a while and eventually other people came and built their houses there too

So all the neighbors each built their own homes and obviously... when you build a home, you plan to live there quite some time. So all the kids in the neighborhood grew up together and the left home, and their parents stayed in that house.

Of all the neighbors we had, only one moved away before we did.
So I basically saw the same people in my neighborhood every day of my life until I turned 19 or so.
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 11-04-2019, 08:59 PM Reply With Quote