Thread: The Daily Awful
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Default   #982   Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
meghan markle seems like a bit of a prick but it's probably to people against her? or stress. idk. i'm not up in all the royal family's business, i just care abt the fact they're hoarding wealth and items from the rampant colonialism.

i was born in 2002 and all the graphs and such state that i'm in either millennial or gen z with no in-between. i can definitely remember the smart boards in primary school. and i was aware of VHS tapes. (mum apparently used to re-record over tapes with a bit of cardboard, early days of pirating, eh?)

i still don't understand why my mum is 'interested', for lack of a better word, in trans issues and such when she thinks that if you haven't gotten bottom surgery, then you're not the gender you want to be. nevermind the fact that there's often health / phobia reasons to that sort of thing or people just don't feel like shelling out the cash for it or can't shell out the cash for it.

the reason why people hate 'white people' as a whole is probably due to the rampant colonialism from us + white nationalists. we're also complicit in racism, which we should probably work on unlearning as much as possible. plus there's a lot of junk in there about cultural appropriation, i.e: white people misusing AAVE (African American Vernacular English) and such, y'know?

note: i'm white, i may have gotten a few things wrong in this, plus my information retention is god-awful, so there's definitely very likely to be a few things wrong in this sort of thing, and there's probably a more eloquent way to put it but i'm on my first energy drink of the day.
percival is busy being queer as hell. he was also here.
somewhat busy working for trisphee.

a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
Old Posted 09-26-2019, 09:02 AM Reply With Quote