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Default   #49802   Kory Kory is offline
Double Rainbow
I totally get it!

I've bought some "things" online myself and I would just die if anyone found out about it...
Well... I wouldn't 'die', but I'd DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT

edit; I don't think I'd die of embarrassment for embarrassment's sake.
I have a "relationship" with someone who knows about these things...
I think what I mean is, I wouldn't want my parents to see and it's not something I would announce to the .... world.... Hm... I just kinda did that... Didn't I?

And yeah, it definitely makes sense.

I just recently had to sign an NDA regarding a project I'm in.
Thankfully, I was on a set of a rather big show and it's in it's third season, so while I *can* name the show, I couldn't take pictures.
But that's pretty common for most "big" projects I've been on.

I was in a Bollywood film, (Dhoom 3) and it was really frustrating because it was my first "big" project and we had to sign an NDA as well as no phones on set because we weren't allowed to take pictures or even talk about the project until it came out.
A couple of people were actually turned loose and didn't get paid because they had their phones out. It was crazy, but I understood why they did that
"My car it is my life... and like my life it carries me around."

--- My Bubba and Mi
Picture drawn by ~isa~
Old Posted 09-26-2019, 12:39 AM Reply With Quote