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Default   #992   Kitalpha Hart Kitalpha Hart is offline
Hakuna matata
501. Flowers or Trees? yes
502. Would rather ski or snowboard? board
503. Where is the worst place you ever had to go to sleep? religious camp
504. What would be your worst day ever? work all day and no stopping
505. What is your scariest nightmare? never had a nightmare
506. If you could be a pilot would you fly a plane or a helicopter? no
507. Snow or sand? snow
508. Brick or wood? wood
509. Who is your favorite loony toon? no
510. Hey did you know that you have more questions to answer? duh
511. Are you aware that you just past the half way mark? ye
512. Are you sick of this quiz yet? naw
513. Do you think 50K is worth all of this work? from where? OP?
514. Have you ever taken a 1000 question quiz before? ye
515. Have you ever owned a pet rock? no
516. Did you paint your pet rock? no
517. Ever hit a girl before? ye
518. Did she deserve it? ye
519.Have you ever pushed your little brother/sister down? I am the youngest
520. Ever put tape on the feet of your cat? how mean
521. What was the funniest joke you ever told? no
522. What is the best prank you ever pulled? mom: -checks burger for ketchup- does it have onions?
me: yes
mom: -looks again-
523. Did they find out who did it? duh
524. Ever pull the wings off of a fly? no
525. Have you ever used a magnifying glass to burn ants? no
526. Ever made fun of a clown? no
527. Have you ever had a pie in the face? no
528. Ever freak out your babysitter? my siblings? idk
529. Have you ever fallen out of a tree? yup
530. How many arms do you have? two
531. Do you have any really cool scars? I guess
532. How did you get them? cats, dog, surgery
533. Ever stuck a bucket on your head? ye
534. Did it get stuck? no
535. Ever yelled at your parents? yup
536. Have you ever slipped on ice and recreated a scene from a cartoon? no
537. How much change do you have in your pocket? none
538. How much lint do you have in your pocket? none
539. Do you own a stained t-shirt? ye
540. Ever rip your pants out? maybe?
541. Have you ever lost your pants in public? no
542. Have you ever been bitten by a dog? yup
543. Ever hit your thumb with a hammer? prolly
544. Have you ever sewn your homework to the teacher's finger to your project? what
545. When was the last time you got a paper cut? idk
546. Have you ever sliced your finger while cutting veggies? no
547. What question do you think I will ask next? idk
548. Is this quiz getting old yet? idk
549. Have you ever egged someone's house before? no
550. Did you ever play with matches as a kid? use, yes
551. Are you crazy for playing with matches? no
552. Ever light off fireworks? yes
553. Have you ever been hit by a firework? nope
554. Are you scared of fireworks? no
555. Have you ever blown up a model with firecrackers? no
556. How far is your computer from your room? don't have one
557. Does your family own more than one computer? desktop? no
558. Do you mess with telemarketers? naw
559. What was the worst thing you did to a telemarketer? naw
560. Have you ever made a prank phone call? long ago
561. Have you ever fallen off the top Bunk? yup
562. Have you ever taken all of the batteries out of the remote controls in the house? naw
563. Do you like your neighbors? don't see them
564. Have you ever seen an episode of South Park? not entirely, it's a stupid show
565. Ever gotten angry at a video game? ye
566. What is your girl-/boy'friend's birthday? ew romance
567. Do you know when your parent's birthday? I know mom's but dad's is two days off from grandpa's so I mix theirs up
568. Do you know how old they are? 58/59
569. Do you have a cell phone? using it
570. Have you ever lost your cell phone? sever times
571. What was the longest time you were grounded for? five hours
572. Do you own any holey socks? prolly
573. What color are your eyes? hazel
574. What color are your girl-/boy-friend's eyes? ew romance
575. What is the worst tasting thing you ever drank? alcohol
576. What is the worst tasting thing you ate? avocado
577. Have you ever eaten a bug? No
578. Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk? no
579. What is the closest you have been to a wild animal? contact
580. Have you ever goosed an emu? no
581. Have you ever been spanked? yup
582. Have you ever talked back to your parents? yup
583.What did they do when you talked back? depends on why
584. What is the weirdest food combination you ever created? BLACK OLIVES AND CHOCOLATE PUDDING
585. Do you like beef jerky? idk
586. Have you ever shot a deer? no
587. Have you ever tortured a stuffed toy? naw
588. Have you ever thrown up on someone? as a baby :')
589. What is the worst smell in the world? you
590. Have you ever changed a poopy diaper? never
591. Can you draw a straight line? sometimes
592. Have you ever fallen down the stairs? yup
593. Have you ever slipped on a banana peel? no
594. Have you ever been burned? prolly
595. Have you ever been treated for poison ivy/oak? maybe?
596. Ever skinned your knee? yup
597. Have you ever wrecked on your bike? I don't think so
598. When was the last time? idk
599. Have you built a snow fort? no
600. Have you ever made mud pies? no


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien View Post
Kitalpha is a face again! 8O
Originally Posted by Voidbarker View Post
hart is now a face again. rejoice.

if you read this you owe me one aurum
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 11:06 PM Reply With Quote