Thread: The Daily Awful
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Demonskid Demonskid is offline
Pocket Demon Ninja
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Getting sick and tired of people telling me my apartment should pretty much be exactly like theirs.

We should have less stuff

We shouldn't have boxes all over. We have 2 boxes out for the cats to play with, the rest have stuff packed up in them and are OUT OF THE WAY.

We shouldn't keep stuff we aren't currently using packed up and out of the way, instead to throw it all away. Sorry but Cardboard boxes are free, unlike plastic containers and tubs. And we aren't going to throw out 'everything' you don't seem to want us to have.

Mom is a hoarder, yes, and that takes time and delicacy to deal with. But her room isn't as bad as it use to be. We have been working on it at a set pace. Not like the new landlady cares. It's better that it's packed up in boxes, than having it lay all over the place.

Papers we don't need to be tossed. (Papers like my art, moms probably important mail that she has someone come over and help her go through it, and that person has been in the hospital for a month due to heart surgery, so yea her mail piled up, my old notebooks with Japanese language notes that I still turn to when I need to refresh my memory..)

Even told us to throw away some of our clothes because 'we have too many' ... bitch we barely have enough clothes to last us a month. We can only do laundry once a month.. And we don't hang our clothes up in the closet. We fold them and place them on our crate shelves instead. WE ARE DIFFERENT!!! Just because they aren't in the closet, doesn't mean we have an OVER ABUNDANCE of clothes!

Pointed to my foam sheets, the foam packing my PC shipped with, I use that to help add 'some' sound proofing when I record! I like to sing and record it, though I don't post them online unless I am really proud of how it came out. I USE THAT! And when it's not being used as a sound dampener, it's being used as a wall to keep Hiro off the plant table D:< DOUBLE USAGE! IT WORKS!

Told us to 'de-clutter' I am so sick and tired of hearing that. The way the living room is arranged furniture wise, makes it look cluttered. It's this way for a reason. Though that reason hasn't been around lately I'm not changing its layout just because they don't like it.

We have this old tv we don't want. But we've no way of getting rid of it and they won't help us do so. Yet they tell us to get rid of stuff we don't need.

Her using the 'fire hazard' excuse to get us to toss out some of our stuff pisses me off. And the only reason she's using it, is because on May 1st, one of the Townhouses caught fire. And its not the first time that particular town house caught fire! That one caught fire 6-7 years ago before. And about 3-4 years ago, someone set fire to another town house, to try and cover up the fact he killed his baby...

She'll be back next month to see if things are 'better'.

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Old Posted 05-22-2019, 01:16 PM Reply With Quote