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Default   #54   Death by Mirrors Death by Mirrors is offline
Kaderin: If I had to summarize the holiday spirit in one single object not bigger than my own hand, it would be this bauble. You decorate the tree with the most cheerful creature known to mankind, and in return I will decorate you with a cute little Cat Bow.

star2000shadow: You were wise enough to ask your friends for tips on tree decorating, and so you know that you have to watch out for hungry carps, Pengore's bad temper and dangerously placed carpets. It poses no problem at all for you to place the ornament on the tree. 10 icicles shall be your reward.

Awen Moonshine: Despite your best efforts you trip over something on the way. As you fall down, you hear a soft "Meow". Who on earth let a real, living cat into the room? You get to pet the kitty, but miss out on your prize this time.

Biomecha: The key to avoid the medic is a proper breath technique. Fortunately you have figured out so much and manage to place your ornament on the tree without any bigger problems. As you look around for something to wipe the sweat from your forehead, you're handed a tissue - oh, wait. That's actually a raffle ticket.

mdom: You hold the ball like it was the most precious thing you've ever owned. All your steps are considered very carefully, and you pay close attention to any arising threats, no matter how obscure. You have to remove 5 icicles from the tree to make way for your ornament, but on the plus side you get to keep them.

Espy: 29 eyes you suspiciously. You get the sudden feeling it could come to life any moment and lunge at you. The strange feeling persists until the moment you have successfully placed the bauble on the tree, at which point you finally can convince yourself it is merely a very realistic ornament. But why is the man in the black suit whispering "For cat treats" when he hands you 5 icicles?

Tiva: With such tipsy movement I wouldn't be surprised if you see double and accidentially place the ornament on the wrong tree. But everything works out, at least for a while. On your way back you lose your balance, trip over the seam of your pants and a button pops. You quickly pull it up again and hope no one has seen your underwear. Speaking of underwear, yours definitely needs more cats. You win Snoozy Digit Briefs in the color of your choice.

Witchchylde: You carefully walk towards the tree and hang the ornament onto its branches. Everything goes fine, but your hands still tremble from anxiety afterwards. Maybe relax in bed with a good book or your favorite tv show? Your prize at least looks comfy. You win Snoozy Digit Pants in the color of your choice.

Old Posted 12-25-2018, 07:03 PM